Monday, October 7, 2013

Life Has It's Twists and Turns

Almost a month and I am still in VA with no idea of when I will be home.  It's rough. I feel like I am in limbo. I will live here but I don't yet. I still live in FL but I'm not there.  The family here needs me but so does my family there.  Arghhh.  The  time I could have with my grandchildren before I leave them is being taken away but the time with the grandchildren here is precious.  Why can't I decide how to feel?

On the good side I have been to my first fiber festival...The Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival.  It was such a fun day and I got to meet some Ravelry friends...

There is a lovely Traddy sitting in my living room that may find a permanent place in my heart...
It's a pretty little thing, isn't it?                       
Currently it is spinning this...

With this bit of sunshine I have to smile,  don't I?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

It's Only A Phone Call

It's funny how a phone call can change things in an instant.  As I was getting ready for work last Thursday my DIL called.  They need me to go to VA to help my son with the boys.  SOON.  What's a Mama to do?  You go where you're needed, right?

I have talked to my leaders in the castle.  I am out for the next 5 weeks-with or without a personal leave.  Disney is a great company but their part timers have no protection.  We don't even get bereavement leave. So it looks as if I have worked my last day as a Fairy Godmother in Training.  I didn't get the ceremony and send off but it's ok.  My wonderful Ravelry friends have assured me I still carry the magic inside:)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Not Working is Hard Work

Adjusting to a very part time part time job is harder than I thought it would be...Life no longer revolves around saving enough energy to make it through my shifts or recovering from them.  Knowing we can make it whether I work or not is so freeing but it does make it easy to slack off.

The upcoming move is getting real.  This is my start on packing...

One box down and 100 to go...

Monday, August 26, 2013

It Doesn't Take Much

To make my littlest angel happy. A kiss for her favorite Disney Princess and her Daddy close by...
We spent the day at Disney with the kids.  Well I spent a few hours.  It's time to face up to the fact that my spoon supply is nowhere near what it used to be.  It took all afternoon and evening to recover:)
Moving away from the kids here will be hard.  Why is there always a trade off?  I'd love all my kids and grandkids to be gathered close at hand instead of scattered to the four corners but I guess that is the way things are meant to be

On the fibery front, I managed to spin 2 oz of Heavenly Wool in the colorway Salamander on Julius...

It's taken a long time for things to click for me with the wheel but I think I have finally figured it out - at least the basics.  Off to spin a bit...


Friday, August 23, 2013

And Here I Am...

Finding My New Normal is a spot for me to share all that is happening in my life.  Not that it's all that exciting but there are many changes coming so my vision of normal will definitely change.  I also want to be able to share my journey as a creative person who loves knitting and spinning both on a wheel and spindles. 
My hubby of 42 years and I are getting ready for a major life style change, the second in as many years.  In 2011 we moved out of our home of 30 years to live with a daughter and her family.  It was a huge step for us but it was only 50 miles from our old home.  Now we are looking to move from sunny FL to northern VA.
I am excited but nervous...
Currently I am a Fairy Godmother in Training...

Who knows what lies ahead...